Past Events


Open Days for NGS

We welcomed our first visitors in 2009.

Click here to read about my garden on the NGS website.

Letchworth Open Gardens

The garden has been opened several times for our local biennial Open Gardens days, helping to raise money for various nominated charities.

Despite the hot weather, people enjoyed our first opening in 2006.Our plant sales have always been very popular.

Gardeners' Question Time

In July 2009 the team of the BBC Radio 4 “Gardeners' Question Time” came to record part of the programme about Letchworth Garden City, and interviewed various local professionals.

The recording was to take place on the bench with the sound of our stream in the background…

but the wind interfered with the microphone and they all ended up in the greenhouse.

Anne Swithinbank was the presenter of this segment of the programme.

Visitors from Japan

Design students and graduates from the Machida Hiroko Academy in Tokyo have visited our house and garden on several occasions, led by Hiroko Machida the Principal of the Academy.  A group of architects and interior designers has also visited our house and garden.

Love Your Garden

In April 2022 the team of the ITV series “Love Your Garden” came to record a segment of the Sudbury episode which featured our garden as one of the “Inspirational gardens” visited by Alan Titchmarsh.

See more photos here or watch the video at

Preparations for the recording.

Alan is taking time out to pose for me.

We were both happy with the morning's work.